Thursday, June 22, 2006

Jon Stewart Takes On Congress' Gamer Haters

Jon Stewart took on congress, again, last night and their idiotic attack on video games.

read more | digg story

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

AT&T rewrites rules: Your data isn't yours

AT&T has issued an updated privacy policy that takes effect Friday. The new policy says that AT&T -- not customers -- owns customers' confidential info and can use it "to protect its legitimate business interests, safeguard others, or respond to legal process."

read more | digg story

Monday, June 19, 2006

Open Source Shooter Nexuiz at version 2.0

The best open source shooter has been released at version 2.0. Many improvements have been made, specialy performance and netcode. But also the visuals have improved. All in all, best open source shooter ever.

read more | digg story